Over the past two weeks I was given two multimedia assignments for my education classes at St. Mike's, (ED 343 Literacy in Middle/High, and ED 361 Curriculum in Middle/High). In ED 343 we had to make use the APP Adobe SparkPage in order to creatively explain to our classmates our personal views on learning. In ED 361 we used the APP Explain Everything to make a video presentation about a specific learning theory we identify with and how we plan on using these learning theories in our future classrooms. I have linked both presentations below:
(an updated version of my explain everything will be up soon!)
Performance Criterion 5.2: Candidates integrate cross-disciplinary skills (such as critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving) to help learners demonstrate their learning in unique ways.
Adobe Sparkpage is similar to Microsoft PowerPoint, it is made up of various slides and one can add pictures, text, and video into a "slide-show" that views more like a webpage. There is potential for creativity here too, but not as much as Explain Everything. It has the same concept as PowerPoint making it less of a creative challenge for students.
By using both of these technologies in Curriculum and Literacy I was able to integrate our content with digital literacy. Being challenged with my digital understanding along with exploring new content helped me learn in a unique way. It would have been simpler but boring just to write a paper on the content, but instead I was able to focus my energy on creatively displaying my content.
Meg - you analyze the technology well! I wonder how you will use technology in your unit...